A par or narrative painting, used by storytellers, depicting the story of the Rajasthani folk hero Pabuji (1938)

Source: http://bombay.oriental.cam.ac.uk/john/pabuji/statement.html
(downloaded Nov. 1999)

"Pabuji par by Jaravcand Josi of Bhilwara. This very fine par is dated 1938 A.D. and is the property of the Royal Tropical Institute, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam, to whom I am grateful for permission to display it here. The right-hand edge has been damaged by wear: Ernst van de Wetering has supplied an indication of the content of the missing fragment."

A series of images of another par of Pabuji, this one from the early 19th century

Source: ebay, April 2002

"This is an old (mid 1800s or earlier) Par. The painted textile is approximately 16 feet long and 55 1/2 inches wide. The story painting has been used to relay the story many times through the years and shows normal wear, especially on the bottom edge. There are some old repairs. The textile is made of two narrow pieces ( 26 3/4") sewen together. It appears to be an old linen-type material."


*Pabuji on an elephant*
*Pabuji in a chariot drawn by a tiger*
*Pabuji on a horse*
*Pabuji on a bull (?)*
*Pabuji, headless, on a serpent*

Source: ebay, May 2005

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