"Clothing of Bisnagar [Vijayanagar]," from 'Kerckelijke Historie van de Geheele Werelt….' (Religious history of the whole world) by Cornelius Hazart, S.J., Amsterdam, 1667; more engravings from this work:

*Clothing of China*
*Constantine the Great*
*Emperor Ferdinand II*
*the western Roman emperor Gratian*
*Ismael, the King of Persia*
*Jacob, the King of Persia*
*Clothing of Japan*
*the emperor Jovinian*
*Ludovicus, king of the French*
*Clothing of Mexico*
*Nathan Levi of Gaza, Prophet of the Jewish Messiah*
*Clothing of Paraguay*
*Clothing of Peru*
*Peter the Hermit*
*Priests being hanged in England*
*Saladinus, king of the Babylonians*
*the emperor Theodosius*
*Tomum Bey, the Last Sultan of Egypt*
*Saint Willebrordus*

Source: ebay, Mar. 2007

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